Bunker prelim poster

A final audition will take place at West Chiltington Village Hall from 7.30 to 9pm, on Monday 29 July in the Main Hall. Rehearsals will begin on 2 September 2024, and performance dates are 21, 22 and 23 November 2024. The play will be directed by Sue Goble.



CELEBRATING 75 YEARS OF WEST CHILTINGTON DRAMATIC SOCIETY Saturday 17 August at West Chiltington Village Hall. NOTE: doors open at 5.30pm for a 6pm start. We will be holding an unrehearsed play reading of Outside Edge by Richard Harris.

We will take tea cricket-style during the interval, and a licensed bar and raffle will be available. You are welcome to take part in the reading or just sit back and listen as Angela and Julian facilitate. Cricket attire is optional. The play was chosen as it is one of a handful of plays which WCDS has produced twice in its 75 years Several current members were involved in one or the other of these productions in 1987 and 2009.

Please book your place (£8 members, £12 guests, half price under 18s) by contacting Jane Johnson at Bookings are open now until Monday 12 August. Payment can be made on the door or by BACS: WCDS,  Account number 13738345, Sort Code 20-88-13 Please reference your name and ME. Please also let Jane know if you have any dietary requirements, important if leaving an answerphone message.

We will be needing some help, please: if you can help with selling raffle tickets, running the bar, making a loaf of sandwiches (expenses paid), setting up the hall in the afternoon (from 2pm), laying out/serving refreshments, and/or clearing up please contact Angela at


Village Show Logo

Village Show WCDS 2024

The WCDS stand at the West Chiltington Village Show on Saturday 13 July was a great success. We had lots of helpers, attired an an assortment of costumes to celebrate the timeline of the society's 75 year history. Visitors showed lots of interest in our society, and we trust that some of those to whom we chatted will make further contact with us. You can email us at

One little girl went away very happy having won Paddington Bear in our Dr Who treasure hunt competition.


Dark Lucy Cast and Crew

Although it was never intended to video the play, Rob took some clips and stills which he has assembled into a video memory. It is with the photographs from our production of DARK LUCY in our Archive pages at Archive 2024.


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Next Events

29 July - Audition for the November play